Just in time for Halloween!

A really, really creepy (yet cool) knitted project, namely a knitted human digestive system. $20 says you’d win first prize…

Why, hello!

No, I haven’t forgotten you, lovely knitblog. It’s just that I’m too busy knitting at the moment to give you…

Book publishing in the 21st century

I’m on a number of mailing lists for knitting designers and authors, and I read every news article I can…

Knitty Gritty episode fun!

Here’s a lovely photo by Knitty Gritty host Vickie Howell of yours truly, plus my Knitsters Candi, Marnie and Kristi.…

Shannon interviewed by Media Bistro

The horribly tough life of a yarn store cat. (Lettuce Knit window, Toronto, Canada) I was recently interviewed by the…

What's that, you say?

You know the old saying “I don’t care what they say, as long as they’re talking about me”? I’ve decided…

What’s that, you say?

You know the old saying “I don’t care what they say, as long as they’re talking about me”? I’ve decided…

Team Knitty 2005

You may have already seen these on our team captain’s blog, but… From left to right: Lorena, Amy, me (wearing…

Fleece Artist / Toronto trip

Meet my new Fleece Artist merino top, all 150 grams of it. I couldn’t wait, I spun it the second…

First Amazon review!

I’ve been waiting for this…Sharilyn Miller, author of Bead on a Wire, wrote a really lovely review on Amazon yesterday:…