TNNA photos

As you might suspect, the photographic evidence is trickling in… Here are some shots from our TNNA dinner in Kim’s…


Need something to wear while watching the World Cup? here’s a soccer ball hat pattern from Needle Exchange. (Kristi? are…

Whew. That was a long week.

Last Friday, Andi and I drove to Indianapolis for TNNA. After a quick break in the suite I was sharing…

Hello from TNNA!

I’m on Amy’s computer, listening to Kim tell a story (with occasional interjections from Cecily). We’re going to NYC today…

Snake scarf

Christine is knitting the coolest scarf right now! Here’s the pattern. I love that chartreuse color…apparently her One Skein secret…

Meet the newest baby at Knitgrrl HQ!

This is Giles… He can be distinguished from the other fur-beasts in the house, namely Spike and Anezka…

Product review: Addi Express knitting machine

I’d almost given up. Almost. Futile attempts to score a 1970s Barbie knitting machine on eBay — rumor had it…

Thank you — Team Knitty donations!

Bookmark this post, my friends, it’s where I’ll be thanking all the kind and lovely people who’ve donated to Team…

knit.1 review, article, photos, etc

Knitgrrl 2 got a lovely review in the new knit.1 — thank you! I’ll scan it in as soon as…

10,000 Sheep

What do you get when a bunch of (apparently bored) office drones draw pictures of sheep? This website, that’s what.