Skills you didn’t know Superman had

(actual comic book panel, from this site)


Y’all just had to rub it in, didn’t you? Yours truly was doing a photo reshoot for an upcoming book…

Team Knitty — over $12,000 raised!

  It’s official, my mind is blown. Team Knitty has raised $12,327.50 for breast cancer research as of today, and it’s…

Podcasty goodness

While on the road, Kim and I sat down for interviews twice: with Guido from It’s a Purl, Man (you…


My second-favorite four-letter-word right now, after ‘yarn.’ You can see all these photos full-sized here — all of Kim’s are…

Photos on Flickr

Still sick, and probably infecting half the eastern seaboard, but we’re in the home stretch of the tour! Hurrah! Last…

Plague-stricken, but still touring!

Well, that does it. I knew I couldn’t hold out forever. I have come down with a capital-C Cold. The…

Blog tour day 7: january one

Check it out! After the interview, Cara’s posted some amazing photos of her handspun shawl, which is just gorgeous. (Maybe…

My sweater philosophy, in picture form

This image by Natalie Dee (quick! go shopping — she’s selling her fabulous Will Knit For Tattoos bags again!) pretty…

Blog tour day 6: mamacate

Today I get a toaster on blog tour and a backhanded compliment from Steph. (Just kidding, Steph!) Tonight we’ll be…