Art of Crochet

Here’s a new website for crochet fans to check out: Art of Crochet. You can get two gorgeous patterns for…

Countdown to V-Day with Naughty Needles

Nikol “Thrifty Knitter” Lohr’s new book, Naughty Needles has its own website, and you can buy a signed copy directly…

NaKniSweMo stitch counts

…in case you were wondering, here’s what Knit One, Purl Too had to say: Because I am independently crazy like…

For all you mohair fans…

extreme cuteness courtesy of Cute Overload and Aponia, who pointed it out…

First soy, then bamboo… now wheat?

An interesting article excerpt on creating commercially-viable fibers from wheat gluten: Some of the properties of wheat gluten fibers also…

A Knit At The Movies

Cute article on knitting at the movies in Scotland: It sounds unlikely, but knitting at the movies could become Glasgow’s…

Spin to Knit swap

Hey, Spin to Knit swappers! Don’t forget, if you send me 1-yard pieces of the lovely skeins you’re sending your…

Spinning unusual fibers in CRAFT

The second issue of CRAFT is now on sale, and there’s an article by yours truly on spinning unusual fibers,…

I take it back, I like swatching.

I can’t even count the number of times I’ve said that I hate swatching…well, out loud, anyway. As a knitting…

New website for AlterNation

My upcoming book with Alexandra Underhill, AlterNation, now has its very own website, where I’ll be concentrating my sewing-related posts,…