Check it out! I am so excited about this event, you have no idea. The background info: Nikol Lohr, author…
Two books I edited last year for Potter Craft are finally on sale: Just Socks and Just Gifts. Each book…
Thanks for all your lovely comments yesterday on the site’s birthday. This morning I had a cupcake to celebrate, because…
Pretend the white chocolate curls are bamboo knitting needles to make it “knittier” HAPPY BIRTHDAY, KNITGRRL.COM! The first ever Knitgrrl…
About a week before the Yarn Harlot posted her first Kauni yarn pictures, I posted a photo of a Kauni…
After a weekend spent devouring Seasons on Harris: A Year in Scotland’s Outer Hebrides, I was compelled to order some…
Need a t-shirt with a sheep on it? This page has got you covered. (via the delightful Emma Jane) In…
Interweave Press has launched a new website called Knitting Daily. From the press release: Interweave Press today officially unveiled,…
I finally got a Ravelry invite and could not possibly be more excited. As a designer, it’s really cool to…
As seen on CRAFT: tasty, tasty marzipan-covered cupcakes (I am one of Those People who love marzipan. There aren’t that…