Hours of amusement

Found here via the wonders of trackback: And speaking of photos, while doing an interview yesterday, I found that a…


Awww, thanks, Laura! She tagged me as a Rockin’ Girl Blogger. But I changed it a little… it seemed apropos.…


Awww, thanks, Laura! She tagged me as a Rockin’ Girl Blogger. But I changed it a little… it seemed apropos.…

I love YARN

Well, duh. But I’m referring to the Australian knitting magazine in this particular instance. Their April issue featured my favorite…

Twisted Sisters and Knitting Men

First off, I cannot possibly be anything but completely biased in my reviews of these two books, and here’s why:…

Lily Chin on the Knitgrrl Show and more!

This Friday it’s the legendary Lily Chin on The Knitgrrl Show, at a special time (5:00 p.m. Eastern) to accommodate…

Guess what arrived?

The Kauni I have been waiting for, along with some Kaffe Fassett sock yarn and artist-inspired Opal sock yarn. I…

Mea culpa — actually, no: Shelfari culpa

I am absolutely, terrifically, terribly sorry about the spamming Shelfari did on my behalf. If you didn’t get the apology…

Look, Ma! I'm in the newspaper!

What is this, media week? The Plain Dealer (Cleveland’s major newspaper) wrote a lovely blurb about Stitch Cleveland’s launch party…

Look, Ma! I’m in the newspaper!

What is this, media week? The Plain Dealer (Cleveland’s major newspaper) wrote a lovely blurb about Stitch Cleveland’s launch party…