Knitting IS good for you. Amazon says so…

My book Alt Fiber is slightly miscategorized on Amazon: Popular in this category: #54 in Books > Health, Mind &…

A revealing Twitter conversation:

Even though I have a Twitter account, I almost never use it. The other night, though, while prepping materials for…

The Knitgrrl Show #9: Knitting in Baghdad

Yes, you read that correctly. Show #9 will be coming to you live from Baghdad with US Army specialist Lorie…

New online knitting mag

Knotions. Check it out! I returned from teaching outside Boston Saturday night bearing really good news — my former housemates…

How to Knit in the Woods coming soon

Just in time for tax season, when all you really want to do is run away and live in the…

How deadlines sometimes feel understands.

Green books

Well, we’ve almost made it through Green Season (March/spring is traditionally when all the magazines do their “green” issues), but…

Shop locally

I don’t think I need to tell you, my knitterly friends, how very important it is to support your LYS…

Superexciting news!

Xan and I just learned that our thrift store sewing book AlterNation has been picked up by all 900 Jo-Ann…

April Fools?

Congress To Raise Alpacas To Aid Struggling Economy.