Welcome Back, Knitter!

(Apologies for the lame 1970s TV reference!) This summer, the software (more specifically, the database) which held all my knitblog…

Yarn, wonderful yarn!

Today’s lovely submissions for the group sweater come from Chris at ChrisKnits and Minnie. First, Chris: This was spin on…

Katherine Hepburn's unknit yarn

Up for auction: Katherine Hepburn’s unknit yarn. Too bad they think it’ll go for $400-600, how cool would that be…

Yarn from Down Under!

(and we’re not talking sheep bellies here). Behold the fabulous wool and silk blend by Gayle: Thanks, Gayle! I love…

What does an ASJ look like?

I’m planning on making the Elizabeth Zimmermann Adult Surprise Jacket with the group yarn… if you’ve never seen one in…

Katherine Hepburn’s unknit yarn

Up for auction: Katherine Hepburn’s unknit yarn. Too bad they think it’ll go for $400-600, how cool would that be…

Lucy roving

Some time ago, my knitting teacher / fiber enabler Lucy at Mind’s Eye Yarns gave me this roving she’d dyed…

Day Two: yarn continues to arrive

Today’s contribution to the group sweater project comes from Melissa at Loose Ends Knits, in the great state of Maine…

And the first yarn is from…

Johanna in Sweden! Here’s a picture of the gorgeous blue and grey handspun she sent, and a link to her…

TNNA Needle Arts Show in Columbus

This weekend I am off to Columbus for the National Needle Arts Association summer show, in hopes of grabbing a…