Let’s lighten the mood: Stash Wars

(Not safe for work, children under 13, those lacking a sense of humor, anyone drinking coffee, and ladies with sensitive…

How NOT to foster a crafting community

Step one: register a particular service mark Step two: wait a few years til another author writes a book with…

We're on Amazon.com!

For reasons known only to the deepest corners of my heart, I didn’t believe my book would really exist in…

We’re on Amazon.com!

For reasons known only to the deepest corners of my heart, I didn’t believe my book would really exist in…

More dyeing tidbits…

This weekend, on my way back from Chicago, I stopped at Wooly Knob Fiber Mill to pick up some fleeces…

You might be a fiber artist if…

…your dyed hair has roots, but you spend all day figuring out new ways to dye wool! In this case,…

Handknit superhero costumes!

These are so much cooler than the Wonder Woman Underoos I had as a kid! I love fiber art shows…

I can survive without sleep til fall, right?

In the spirit of this fine shirt from the Knitty webshop, I have an announcement to make. Hurrah! I am…

Productivity is good

Have you ever had a weekend where you finished SO many works in progress that it seemed, perhaps, your knitting…

A very long day…

Behind the scenes at the Knitgrrl books’ photo shoot. Here you see the makeup artist hard at work, two models…