The #knitgrrl52 Patreon project is almost over… what next?
For the past year+ I endeavored to publish a pattern a week using Patreon. In reality, thanks to the never-ending madness of managing test knitters, photoshoots, pattern writing and all the administrative tasks involved in such a completely overwhelming project, I ended up publishing clumps of patterns at the end of each month as I rushed to get them done before deadline.
Pro tip: deadlines can be your friend.
I’m incredibly grateful for the ongoing support of everyone who’s given their time and money to the project, from the supporters to the sample knitters, to my amazing technical editor Andi Smith, to my friends who regularly get roped into modeling when they least expect it… it’s been a real eye-opener.
As we’re getting the last few patterns out into the world, I have been thinking about what I want to do with the Patreon once the initial patterns are done. Will I use it to keep publishing more patterns, albeit on a friendlier timescale? Will I add more kinds of available content? (I’ve been working on a how-to sheet for knitters and knit designers who use Instagram, and mulling over a revised edition of The Knitgrrl Guide to Professional Knitwear Design, among other things). Where do I fit in with the changing knit design ecosystem? Things to think about!