Posts Tagged With: Knitgrrl books

Aurora Borealis Mittens is here!
I’ve been working on this book for over a year, and it’s FINALLY OUT and I could not be more…
Knitgrrl 2 up for ACE award
From CraftTrends magazine: Finalists have been named for Craftrends’ Awards of Creative Excellence (ACE), formerly known as the Awards of…
Furry book models
My friend Arabella’s niece (I think she’s six, correct me if I’m wrong) got a copy of Knitgrrl for Christmas…
This weekend: 3 crafty events
This is going to be a long weekend, my friends! Here’s where you can find me: Friday night: the Cleveland…
Photos on Flickr
Still sick, and probably infecting half the eastern seaboard, but we’re in the home stretch of the tour! Hurrah! Last…
MOTC heads north to Lake Placid
Grace, Kim and Beatrice at Adirondack Yarns in Lake Placid, NY. (Photo by Kim’s mom) Even if you’re not in…
MOTC stops in Rochester
Today, the tour took us to Yarne Source in Rochester after a night filled with silly TV and some very,…
Boombox bags everywhere
From this article about the SIGGRAPH fashion show, spotted on “You won’t see it in everyday fashion for awhile.…
Michigan + more
Knitgrrl 2 was reviewed on a European website recently — thanks, Eveline! (the Dutch version of the review is here)…
Full of Holes scarf correction
Thanks for the alert that Kirsten Zerbinis’ lovely pattern in Knitgrrl 2 is somehow missing its number of stitches to…