Posts Tagged With: Dyeing

May 29, 2007

Gullibility update re: sunflowers

Darn it all to heck. I finally got an answer from Trader Joe’s. The sunflowers were dyed. I so wanted…

May 26, 2007

Sunflower yarn + calendars + dyeing pork

I spun the sunflower-dyed fiber last night and it is really pretty! Check it out, posing with the peonies that…

May 23, 2007

Dyeing with sunflowers

As referenced in my last post, I found some sunflowers that have pink knobs on their stems brimming with dye.…

Posted in Knitting
May 14, 2007

Who needs to be big in Japan…

…when you can be big in Germany? Spike’s outfit gets approval from our deutsche Freundinnen, who say it’s for “fashion-aware…

Posted in Knitting
April 10, 2007

[Insert evil scientist laugh here]

My friends are so awesome. When we were first putting together Felt Frenzy, Heather and I thought it would be…

November 21, 2006

Saturday book signing at Threadbear

Last-minute addition to the Shannon calendar! This Saturday, 25 November 2006, I’ll be signing books at the Spinner’s / Dyer’s…

August 6, 2006

Sea monster-y

Once upon a time, I dyed a bunch of natural grey fleece in Reynolds oven bags. The purple came out…

August 3, 2006

MagKnits: now with handspun!

The new issue of Magknits is up and there is plenty of handspun to ooh and ahh over. The photo…