Posted in Knitting
November 3, 2006

Saturday in Chicago

Don’t forget! I’m signing Spin to Knit at Arcadia Knitting from noon to 1:00 tomorrow, followed by two classes, and then a mad dash to Franklin & Dolores’ knitting soiree of the season, the Dulaan Project Knit-In. See you there, Chicagoans! (and -landers). Photos to follow, unless Dolores gets frisky again, of course.

What am I up to tomorrow night? No good, of course. I’m going to sneakily measure my best friend’s baby and see if a last-minute holiday sweater is doable on top of my NaKniSweMo knitting. Lessee, he’s a year and a half old. That’s what, dachshund-sized?

Oh come on. Like I know how big an 18-month-old is? I’ve knit for chihuahuas, I’ve knit for dachshunds, but when it comes to kids, I have no idea. Except that their heads are big in proportion to their bodies, which I must admit freaks me out a little for some reason. (Yes, CYCA publishes baby size measurements, but his parents are both small-boned and I’m afraid he’ll be swimming in whatever I make him).

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1 comment

  • Katie

    Don’t worry too much about getting the baby sizing thing right. I’d just aim on the big side. After all, babies grow, and when they’re only 18 months they couldn’t care less if they have to wait a few months to wear your knits (although you might!)

    Reply to Katie

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