Posted in Knitting
April 11, 2006

Our Knitty Gritty episode

Marnie notes that our Knitty Gritty episode is now listed on the DIY site. When it’ll air, we don’t know, but at least we’ve got proof it exists now!

I was just talking to Rae yesterday about the three episodes of Uncommon Threads we taped in L.A. last summer…she says if it doesn’t air soon, people are going to stop believing that she did it! It’s funny, it hasn’t even been an entire year yet and I completely had to raid my memory banks to remember what I made for those three episodes. Some of the techniques I demonstrated are going to show up in this next sewing-related book, though — I’m writing it with the fantastic Xan, who appeared on Uncommon Threads with Rae, Donna, Sarah and me.

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  • Noelle

    Have you heard of someone spinning cat fur? I’ve spun retriever fur carded with wool but never cat hair. One of my cats has fur very similar to angora and I’ve started collecting it but I’m starting to wonder if I’m crossing that “crazy line” again.

    Reply to Noelle
  • julie

    Hmmmm….Uncommon Threads. There’s a vague, fuzzy-gray, memory of a trip to L.A. Was it really almost a year ago? I’m getting a little embarrassed when people ask about the show. My 15-minutes are starting to look delusional.

    Reply to julie

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