Posted in Knitting
March 31, 2008

Noro sock yarn report

Like a field of tulips in the spring, it blooms! Man oh man does it. Andi gave me my Monkey socks and they are spectacularly awesome, but she hadn’t had time to soak them. When I did, two things happened.

One: a crazy amount of dirt came out. Now, I know that Andi had that yarn in a ziploc from the second it left the yarn store, and she’s not a female mud wrestler (unless there’s something she’s not telling me), so this was puzzling. I will tell you, it didn’t look like dye runoff, it looked like “dirty fleece dirt” which makes me wonder if it got dusty in shipping or what. I used Soak, my ultra-favorite wool wash and it did its usual excellent job.

Two: that yarn just opened up. It was fun to watch. I air-dried them on my socktopus (a fabulous contraption from IKEA that resembles an octopus, with a hanger hook on top and a ton of little arms with clips, just perfect for drying newly-dyed yarn, or wool socks, or anything else you don’t want to throw in the dryer). I had before and after photos on my camera but they appear to have gone missing. So instead I will appease you with a photo I like to call “This poncho pattern…it’s not working!”

(no, it’s not really a poncho, silly…it’s a big bag pre-felting)

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  • Amy

    Hey–that’s not fair–you need to at least take new after pictures so we can see!! You know what? I have a soctopus too! But I use it to dry plastic ziploc bags because I’m crazy like that.

  • Michelle

    Or, in LOLknits: Poncho…ur doin it rong.

    Reply to Michelle

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