Posted in Knitting
December 15, 2002

Knitting dispatches from abroad

Our foreign correspondent here at the knitblog, proprietrix of nobody’s doll and a knitter herself, just got back from a trip to China. She knitted this message into a test swatch and sent it by way of seafaring silk traders. Ok, I made that up. She emailed me:

…everywhere we went in China, I saw women knitting! The old women waiting for buses or standing around gossiping in klatches, the young women watching their shop stalls — there are knitters EVERYWHERE in China. I was surprised when I saw the first yarn shop in Beijing — I didn’t really associate knitting with East Asia — but then I started seeing yarn shops all over, and knitting women on every corner. (They all knit in the round, on four double-pointeds.) It was unexpected and delightful.

There you have it. Knitting in China. Back to you, Tom Brokaw.

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    I’m in Beijing right now and can’t find the yarn shops! If you have any locations, please tell me!

    Reply to JANE SAFFIR
  • Diane Horn


    I’m going to Beijing in Oct. Any yarn shop recommendations?

    Reply to Diane Horn
  • Beverly Dvorak

    I’m leaving first of November for Beijing. Can anyone give me names of yarn shops, please.


    Reply to Beverly Dvorak
  • peg

    Hi, I’m going to Beijing this year & would love the addresses or details of any yarn/knitting shops please. Thank you.

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