Posted in Knitting
May 25, 2006

knit.1 review, article, photos, etc

Knitgrrl 2 got a lovely review in the new knit.1 — thank you! I’ll scan it in as soon as I’m able. I’m also quoted in Stephanie Klose’s article about fiber art, and they used some photos from the show I curated back in January, as well as a photo of a piece I did for Cynthia von Buhler’s “Spun” show at CVBSpace in Manhattan a few months ago. Fun!

If you’re more the yarn-business type, check out the new May issue of Yarn Market News: I’ve written an article you might find interesting, as have a few of my friends (hi Amy!) — YMN is probably my favorite trade mag right now in terms of useful information. If you make your living working with string and sticks, you can’t afford not to read it.

How can you not love that YMN cover? The model with yarn skeins draped around her neck reminds me of Erica Weiner‘s method for wearing her fabulous yarn kits if you’re in too much of a rush to knit them up! (a la the pink scarf in Knitgrrl, which was made with one of her kits)

And speaking of multicolor, fantastico yarn, the amazing women at Mango Moon are helping me out with a project for an upcoming book of mine. Two words: sari silk. That’s all you need to know for now. Ok, ok, one more word: denim. There, that’s all you get.

We’re doing a photo shoot for that book in NYC next month, which I am both tremendously excited about and extremely nervous about, practically simultaneously. Fortunately, I have at least three incredibly talented, good friends helping me with it (Stephanie did some location-scouting the other day and the test shots she sent were just perfect) — this eliminates a little of the stress at least.

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1 comment

  • terri

    Would love to read your article. Unfortunately, they don’t think I’m important enough to waste one of their limited subscriptions on. I requested months ago.

    Reply to terri

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