Is this NaKniSweMo or OrMorYrnMo*?
Sheesh. Someone stop me, please. I now have in my possession the means of making at least 6 different sweaters (2 sweaters’ worth of Tahki Donegal Tweed, more undyed stuff than you could count, a full sweater of Elsbeth Lavold Silky Wool, a sweater-to-be of Beaverslide, and some Fair Isle stuff on its way). Not a one has been opened or touched yet.
So what am I knitting?
Three other sweaters. One’s for a baby, one’s an ongoing colorworkish project that I’m going to call my NaKniSweMo sweater, then there’s the book tour sweater that needs sleeves. Long story short, I think I’m going to collate all three of these projects if I can get them done by the end of the month and call it biscuits. After all, the colorwork one is all body knitting, the book tour one is all sleeves and the baby sweater is equivalent to a sweater yoke…right?
Hey, it’s my party and I’ll knit three sweaters if I want to.
* OrMorYrnMo = Order More Yarn Month, of course
I seem to be having an OrMorYrnMo, myself. I liked the idea of NaKniSweMo, but just couldn’t start yet another project!
I’m just about finished with the first scarf. Yeesh it’s big. At least seven feet long. I can’t empathize with just a few sweaters worth of yarn lying around. I have almost as much yarn in my apartment as some small yarn shops. I have three blankets and probably six or seven sweaters lying around and we will neither discuss the socks (far, far too many socks) nor the fact that I just ordered two more sock kits (the only answer to having too many sock kits is of course to order more.)
Wee! The Hufflepuff scarf is done. That’s 48K or so stitches. I’m casting on a Ravenclaw tomorrow. Oh, and I hit 30K words for NaNo. It’s been a good day.
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