Posted in Knitting
December 22, 2006

An early birthday surprise for me!

Our canine spinning episode of Knitty Gritty is airing 5 January at 11:00 a.m. on HGTV! Just in time for my birthday the next day.

Seeing the pattern for my Canine Capelet makes me wish they’d used a photo of super(dog)model Carlotta wearing it instead… it looks a little bland flat on a table. The ruffle is made with handspun dog hair, which is what they wanted me to demo. Check out the one and only Panda, aka Marnie’s baby, in a cabled variation available here.

Panda, you’re killing me with the cute here. For another good photo, see this post — my fabulous Knitsters Candi, Marnie and Kristi on set.

I’m not the only Interweave author on the show in January. Liz Gipson, managing editor of Handwoven (and former managing editor of Spin-Off) will be giving the inside scoop on how to spin all sorts of fibers, how to prepare them, as well as how to make your own spindle from recycled materials. Her episode will air 12 January on HGTV, also at 11:00 a.m.

If you’ve been enjoying having Knitty Gritty on HGTV, let them know — apparently they’re only running episodes for a limited time, but if they get enough viewer response, they may give it a permanent spot. Good for everyone who doesn’t get DIY Network.

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  • Marnie

    SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! I’m so excited to see all the furballs on HGTV. My tivo is SET. I wish the 4 of us could do another episode together. It was a lot of fun.

    Reply to Marnie
  • Amanda

    I had not idea they were showing Knitty Gritty on HGTV–thanks for the heads up! I have that and do not have DIY, so I had been trying to find someone to tape it for me.

    Reply to Amanda
  • candi cane

    Yay!!! SO much fun!!! Can’t KG have doggies on every episode??

    Reply to candi cane

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