February 8, 2010

New class: marketing & branding

By popular demand (the demand coming after I repeated what Stefanie said about me needing to teach this class to a few people, and them all saying YES YES YES PLEASE): I’m teaching another online class starting after the 15th of this month on marketing, branding and communicating your message effectively.

We’re going to do this a little differently than the current set of classes, though. I want to be sure that the class members have something to teach each other, too, whether it’s because they are from a different discipline, or because they sell their products in venues the majority of students don’t, or… (etc).

Why the emphasis on diversity? I’ve learned a lot watching creative people in other disciplines (such as Jenny Hart of Sublime Stitching), and I’m willing to bet the reverse is true, too. For example, Sublime Stitching now offers PDF patterns as well, which the knitting world has done for some time now.

People get squicked out by the word “marketing,” and for good reason. A lot of the people out there who claim they’re going to teach you about marketing come at it from the absolute wrong perspective. Marketing does not have to be sleazy. Marketing is really:

1. putting your best foot forward
2. communicating effectively
3. meeting the needs of your target audience, information-sharing-wise.

If you’re interested in the class, please fill out the form here. I’m going to limit enrollment numbers in each session, so if you’re interested, now’s the time. This class will be $50 if you fill out the form before the 15th and $75 after.

Of course, as with all my other classes, there will be a lot of talk about the subject from the crafty perspective, though of course noncrafty people are welcome, too.

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  • Virginia

    Oh boy. Do you think you could work with architects and engineers too? I’m the marketing officer for my company and I’ve just about HAD IT with some of the subconsultants we work with.

    Reply to Virginia
  • Post authorShannon

    I think so, yes! It’s all about communication, and that’s universal no matter what discipline you’re in!

    Reply to Shannon

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