Posted in Knitting
September 8, 2008

Knitting can change your life

(Well, duh).

Oliver Burkeman, writing about what Merlin Mann (43folders.com) calls “interstitial time” — small chunks of minutes spent waiting at the doctor’s surgery, or for someone who’s late, or for a meeting postponed at short notice — puts forth the argument for knitting. A quote:

Take inspiration from knitters, Mann suggests. Knitting fulfils the three criteria of a good interstitial-time activity: it’s portable, it can be done amid distractions, and even a few seconds spent on it contributes to the end result. (That’s not the case with tasks requiring “set-up”, such as waiting forever while Windows boots up on your laptop.) Identify in advance which of your tasks fit the knitting criteria: those involving reading and (hand)writing are a good place to start. Or take up knitting.

I’d love to walk into some big, corporate environment and make this pitch as an “efficiency expert.” That said, I am chastened by this recent post on 43Folders:

Ask yourself…Why am I here right now instead of making something cool on my own? What’s the barrier to me starting that right now?

You heard me. Go cast on for something now.

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1 comment

  • Chelsea

    thats such a great quote…and i totally agree! i love being able to take my knitting with me for those times like sitting in a waiting room or long car rides. even if i just get 1 row done i know that i’ve made progress on the overall project.
    i also love how much history goes into a knitting project. all the places it’s carried along to and worked on when you get some spare time. and what’s more fulfilling then finishing a knitting project? it’s a great hobby and i’m glad there are people who appreciate that.

    Reply to Chelsea

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