Posted in Knitting
October 3, 2008

Videos from Felt School and Knitting Daily TV

I went on a video-uploading kick today — I had a ton of stuff sitting on my Flip Ultra, and it was time to clear it off. There’s Felt School in Review:

and the always-amusing nuno-felt-thwapping:

Eunny Jang calls me and Kim nerds in this one. Most emphatically, I should add. For those of you interested in the last post on book publishing, Eunny talks about what it takes to get an issue of Interweave Knits to press in this post. Fascinating stuff.

There’s also crewel how-to with Katherine Shaughnessy of Wool & Hoop, a project with Diana Rupp of Make Workshop when she was at my shop on book tour, designers + Jess and Casey of Ravelry sitting around having dinner at winter TNNA, and lots of other gems. I should clean my Flip out more often! Click here to see all my videos.

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1 comment

  • kristi

    Really the best part of the Kim/Annie/Eunny video is Annie’s joke at the end. I found that so funny I had to come back and watch it again, just so I can get the delivery right.

    Reply to kristi

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