Posted in Knitting
October 8, 2009

Uncle Honeybunch and Agnes

Felt School was a blast. I did get to sneak away for some time with the sheep, though, not to mention capturing escapee chickens. Just before he tried to eat the keyring holder off my fleece jacket (wrong kind of fleece, Uncle Honeybunch), I snapped this shot of him and Agnes with my cell phone. Agnes has mellowed out quite a bit since she became a mom, she even came up to me and gave kisses!

(Compared to June when it was AHHHH! FREAK OUT! with her, I consider Agne’s mellowing quite an achievement. Perhaps she’s taken up yoga or meditation or something).

Mr. Shivers and Uncle Honeybunch remain the sweetest, best-tempered sheep I have ever met. I would seriously reconsider my sheep wishlist for the day I have my own… I was thinking Bluefaced Leicesters, but they’re winning me over to the Shetland cause.

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  • Susan Voegtly

    Cute Friends!!! What’s the gorgeous new project in the upper right corner?????

    Reply to Susan Voegtly
  • Kristen

    Awww, such sweet sheepies! I’m excited that I’ll have cute animal pics soon too, the goats are coming home from Rhinebeck with me 🙂
    Come see us!

    Reply to Kristen

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