Here’s a fun app my photo-app-mad husband just shared with me today: Color ViewFinder. You can walk around without actually…
We’re doing a sale on The Knitgrrl Guide… in honor of Tax Day (ugh) here in the US. Here’s the…
I try not to have too many aaaaaagh I am swamped aaaaaagh posts here (seriously, who needs that?), but it…
The Cooperative Press spring survey is live and you have until the end of the week to take it. One…
My popular Designer 101 bootcamp class is accepting signups for its next session! The class, which is run through my…
It’s been an incredibly exciting week, one of those weeks where your brain hits the “full” mark way too early…
It’s only Tuesday and this week is kicking my you-know-what. I’m trying to prep so I can fly out to…
This is my latest pattern, Restraint. This is my most excellent husband, Tamas. It’s so hard to be married to…
Signups for my fall Maine knitting retreat are only open til April. If the course isn’t full by then, it’ll…
(for the Valentine’s contest) Courtesy of the fine computers at, and their random number generators, the plaid bag goes…