This is a BUSY week for blog tour stops here on Knitgrrl! Today it’s Anna Dalvi’s Shaping Shawls, then Woolly…
Last night I had a very traumatic dream about my longtime friend Amy — aka the editor of Knitty magazine.…
Look what I’ve been working on getting to the printer. Extreme Double-Knitting: New Adventures in Reversible Colorwork went up for…
Or, in this case, 1% inspiration, 99% swearing my head off at Adobe Illustrator. (Thank you, dear Marnie, for rescuing…
Click here to read the proposal. Larger publishers and distributors are often unwilling to take a chance on what they…
I am digging out from under everything that happened while I was away at Sock Summit — I only got…
I’m teaching at Vogue Knitting Live in September, there are still a few spots left in my Maine retreat (and…
My friend Larissa Brown (awesome author of books you love & designer & more) just put up a very cool…
…well, now I know what case to get. (Magda Sayeg of Knitta Please)! If you cross-stitch, there’s Jenny Hart cases,…
Today is our 8th anniversary — not wedding, we haven’t bothered to get around to that yet, but when you’ve…