The big news
If you follow me on Twitter or Facebook or wherever, you may remember last week’s announcement about big news on the way…
And then I immediately had to declare I was not pregnant or getting married, because apparently those are the only big news worthy of such excitement, judging from the number of people texting and messaging me immediately afterward.
No, it’s better, because it involves yarn:
Yes, you read that right. I am taking on the editor position at Yarn Forward magazine, which now comes out ten times a year. Ten! (I just shuddered a little to think of it). I am currently getting up to speed on the flat plans for the issues-in-progress and preparing for the first issue that’s all me, editing-wise. (Gulp!)
Yarn Forward is UK-based but already available at some shops here in the US, and by subscription, too. We’re working on US distribution deals now, too.
Want to do patterns or articles for the magazine? Well, you know who to contact…
Join the Yarn Forward group on Ravelry here.
Tagged with: Yarn Forward
Wow, that is great news. Congratulations!
Congratulations! Very cool!
That is FANTASTIC!! I’m so happy for you, Shannon. Congratulations kiddo.
Congratualtions! It’s very well deserved.
Wow! Huge news!! Congratulations!
Congratulations, Shannon!
That is so great. Good thing you’re so prolific.
Totally cool news, Shannon.
Well, congratulations! It couldn’t have happened to a greater lady!
And now I know something to add to my Xmas list. Woot! I can’t wait to see what you do 10 times a year. Amazing!
Congrats! This is awesome news!!
Awesome! What a wonderful “next step” for you. Looking forward to benefiting from your new editorial efforts.
SHANNON!!! Such amazing news!! I’ve got to chat with you about a few things perhaps next month! I’ll be in touch! Cheers!
Great news! Congrats!
Great news, Shannon! You have worked hard to get here. You have accomplished much. You will accomplish more.
Congratulations! Good thing you can type fast, you’ll be up to speed in no time.
That’s wonderful news Shannon! Congratulations – how absolutely wonderful for yarn art!
Congrats! I just had a pattern in their fall issue!
Awesome! Congrats! I look forward to your first ‘all you’ issue.
Wow! Congrats girl! I can’t wait to see what you come up with, all year long. Now I have an excuse for a new subscription
Congratulations, they could not have chosen a better person for the job.
Congratulations! That’s awesome news.
Woohoo!!! Congratulations!
Congratulations Shannon. I’m looking forward to working with you.
Congratulations! That’s awesome! Can’t wait to see what you do with the magazine. I was considering submitting. I guess I should get on that…
Congratulations, Shannon. I’m so excited to see what you do with Yarn Forward.
Wow Shannon, congratulations. Yarn Forward is really moving forward with such a great editor!
Yippee dippee skippee for all of us!!
what? cause you didn’t have enough to do already
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