Posted in Knitting
June 27, 2005

Team Knitty is at it again!

Once again, I’m doing the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation CIBC Run for the Cure this fall with Team Knitty (ok, ok, who are we kidding? we’ll be walking…with coffee in hand!)

Last year we raised more than $5000 with the help of Knitty.com readers and Elann.com, our team’s corporate sponsor. If everyone on the Knitgrrl mailing list donated a dollar, we’d have well over $1000 (my personal goal this year). If everyone donated $5, we’d have more than the entire team raised last year. And if you all donated $20…well, I’d probably faint. But if someone captured it on videotape, I’d post it here for your amusement.

If you’d like to donate, please click here! Click early, click often — thanks! Watch this space for a list of my lovely sponsors!

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