Posted in Knitting
July 3, 2007

Registration is open for Felt School!

Check it out!

I am so excited about this event, you have no idea. The background info: Nikol Lohr, author of Naughty Needles, bought several disused school buildings in Harveyville, Kansas. Thus began the Harveyville Project, as recently featured in ReadyMade magazine, etc.

Nikol started doing something called Yarn School. I asked “Why not Felt School? let’s do Felt School!” So we are. I’m teaching a series of felty workshops 27-28 October and it’s going to be fantastic. Or is it felt-tastic? (groans from the audience)

(Spin-and-dye-tastic Yarn School is the month before, with Adrian of Hello Yarn and Jennifer of Whirled Yarn)

Felt School’s all-inclusive price is: $300/person, double occupancy, and the workshop fee includes all classes, use of equipment, most materials (I’ll send out suggestions of stuff you can bring from your stash if you want), accommodation for 2 nights, and all meals. There is also an optional Friday Knit-to-Felt early-bird add-on for $50 — check in Friday afternoon or evening and enjoy a cocktail hour with light supper, then put on your PJs and meet us in the basement to start an optional knit-to-felt project (materials included). If you can’t make it Friday, but still want to do the project, we’ll have homework handouts for you.

Sneak preview? We’ll be doing all kinds of fun stuff, including knit-and-shrink felting, needlefelting, nuno felting, recycled felting and wet felting. Depending on interest, we may also experiment with dyes and other forms of felt-embellishment. If you have any questions about activities or class outlines, check out this page, then comment or drop me an email.

We are going to have so much fun — don’t risk missing out, sign up soon!

My fifteen-year high school reunion is coming up next month and I’m not going, but Felt School? Oh yes, please.

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  • kristi

    I envy you… After reading the ReadyMade thing, it sounds so cool there in Harveyville.

    Reply to kristi
  • Annalisa

    That is so cool. I hope Felt School totally rocks. 🙂

    Reply to Annalisa

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