February 2, 2009

Oh no, here she goes again…

For a knitting blog, I sure do write about the Kindle a lot. (like here, and here) But there’s method to my madness — almost always, anyway.

This article (yes, it is long…but it is worth reading the whole thing) is fantastic.

Why am I so intent on seeing the Kindle and devices like it made available to a larger audience? The million-dollar question…

Well, for one, it will break down a lot of the technological barriers that exist between a pattern PDF (stored on your computer) and a printed pattern. Like a paper pattern, a pattern on Kindle is easily annotated (there’s a note-making feature), and ultra-portable (even the smallest laptops are heavier and larger, not to mention who wants to drag your laptop to the LYS when you could bring something the size of a paperback book?).

But like a digital PDF, that pattern can get zapped to your Kindle in seconds, wherever you are so long as you have access to the cell phone data network. Sitting at knit night and admiring the pattern your friend is knitting? Zap. You’ve downloaded it in 3 seconds and now you can cast on, too. It’s just…excellent.

So the time has come to test these theories in earnest. Knitting Kindle owners — would you like to test 3 of my patterns on your device? Send me your Kindle’s email address (if you don’t know what it is, go into your Amazon account and look it up) and I will send them to you. Offer limited to the first 5 people who write in to admin [at] knitgrrl [dot] com…not in comments, ok?

(edited to add lots of links to the Kindle…go get one! three people are already getting $20+ in free patterns apiece because they already had one! yes, I am an evil enabler, I am ok with that)

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  • Dani

    You’ve convinced me now. I have to get a Kindle. My birthday is in April, will you email my boyfriend and let him know that you have decreed that knitters everywhere need one and that this is imperative to my continued street cred as a ‘hip’ knitter.

    Reply to Dani
  • Guinifer

    Heh – I just sent you my Kindle email as I realized I am knitting furiously away at your Rivulets pattern!

    Reply to Guinifer
  • pamelamama

    that is very tempting. I’m sure I’ll have one at some point… why not now?

    Reply to pamelamama
  • Ricky

    Too bad Kindles aren’t available in Canada. I’d love to have one.

    Reply to Ricky
  • Pandorasslave

    I can’t wait to see the new version of the Kindle. Supposedly will be announced here pretty quick…But…..I already spent my money on a spinning wheel instead. *le sigh*

    Reply to Pandorasslave
  • Susie

    Done! Thanks so much!

    Reply to Susie
  • beverly

    Okay, now you’re just taunting me. You lured me down the Kindle path, and I know I will be SO happy when I finally get mine, but to tease me? Like how you’re doing? Naughty.

    My big hope is that the Amazon press conference at Morgan Library is to announce K2’s availability asap. Since Monday’s my birthday, I’m considering it Amazon’s gift to me. Now if only they’d get shipping so I can put knitting and Kindles together, too!

    Reply to beverly

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