Need fashion inspiration?
Do I have the site for you. is basically a bunch of people from all over the world posting cool outfits they’ve put together, which you can sort through in a number of ways such as by country, by designer, etc. I was curious to find out if Prague girls still wear miniskirts all winter long. (They do). Meet Hanka, who is wearing a spectacular minidress handknitted by her grandmother.
(For the record, at least as it was explained to me when I lived there, Prague girls wear miniskirts and high boots all winter long because boots are easier to clean than pants hems covered in street gunk, especially back then, when having a washer in the house was somewhat of a luxury).
Another site I like for this sort of thing is Hel Looks. Who knew Helsinki was full of such quirky, fun fashionistas?
And on the yarn side of things — I am currently swatching up some of J.C. Rennie‘s new handknitting yarns (I have fabric samples, too…swoooooon). Love it so far. Planning a design for a fall issue of Yarn Forward with it, now comes the tough part — deciding among all the luscious colors.
Tagged with: Inspiration
Admittedly they’re rarely that short but I wear skirts almost exclusively all winter long – because yes wet boots are vastly preferably to soggy trouser hems!
What a great idea…but yes I’d need to add a few inches onto the length!
I wear ridiculously short shorts, winter or not, I would wear skirts if it wouldn’t be for the inconvenience of it with the kids.
woah awesome! i’m always looking for more fashion inspiration – especially from real life people. thank heavens i can use the internet to people/fashion watch now. thanks! =)