October 31, 2012

NAKNISWEMO 2012: The NaKniSweMo-ing.

Ana (aka sugaroni) has made some FABULOUS new Ravatars for this year — grab them here.
Discuss what you’re knitting here.
Want to offer up a prize for this year’s successful finishers? Do that here.
And for those of you who haven’t played along in previous years, here’s what you need to know:
How it works with NaNoWriMo: write a 50,000-word novel in a month. As they say on that page: “This is not as scary as it sounds.”
How it works with NaKniSweMo: knit a 50,000-stitch sweater in a month. Just about any full size sweater will meet this criteria! If you divide your chosen sweater pattern’s rows or rounds by 30, you’ll have an idea of how many rows you need to knit each day to make it. Yes, the stitch count thing is crazy, but I think I can say with confidence that most sweaters out there are at least that, or more. We’ve been doing this for YEARS on Knitgrrl since I first thought it up, but our current HQ is the group over on Ravelry, so meet us there.

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