Posted in Knitting
December 19, 2007

Knitting markup language

The knitter in me is excited about this. The geek in me is excited about this. Knitting markup language! Why, just the ability to translate and render patterns into new languages for international knitters alone makes this a fantastic idea.

See the post that started it all, and the original developer’s concept page. Wow.

Integrate it with Ravelry — the geekery! my gosh, the geekery! I mean this in the best possible way, of course. It’s astonishing. And believe me, after my recent spate of book pattern writing, I would love to see something like this in online software form that could generate patterns which aren’t one given item (sweaters, socks, whatever).

Or something that could generate custom knit patterns from a base formula using numeric inputs (as Art of Crochet does with crochet), except that the markup would also enable simultaneous multiple-language translations and other gewgaws.

It makes my head spin and wish I was a programmer, all at the same time. Fortunately, my boyfriend is. Hey, now I know what to put on my birthday wishlist…

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  • Amber

    Holy Crap. That’s awesome.

    And mwhahahaha, I AM a programmer.

    Well, at least i play one on TV…..

    Reply to Amber
  • lisa

    oh man. worlds colliding.

    Reply to lisa

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