December 1, 2009

Interview with Knitch; NaKni semi-fail

Knitch magazine did a lovely interview with me recently, you can check it out here.

NaKniSweMo sweater, aka Torc, came so very close to hitting the deadline yesterday. The body is finished, both sleeves are finished (and you know my sleeve-itis, yes?), all that remains is finishing the torc-style collar and steeking it open. So we’ll call this a close-but-no-cigar year.

I do have an excuse, though! I was busy running the first Bazaar Bizarre Cleveland — we’re doing two this year, one on either side of town. The smaller of the two was 27-28 November and they were looooong show days (10-8 both days not counting setup and teardown time, plus I was in the space the day before Thanksgiving AND on Thanksgiving getting things set up). Never let it be said I am not a workaholic. This weekend I head to Boston to help out at Bazaar Bizarre Boston, so if you’re inside the 495, come say hi!

Just thinking about my winter show schedule is making me tired.

No time for tired, though, there’s some other stuff in the works that needs attention. Happy December, everyone! (How did it get to be December already? Seriously).

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1 comment

  • Virginia

    Happy December!

    And congratulations on the interview. Off to read it now…

    Reply to Virginia

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