Posted in Knitting
January 8, 2013

I like iPads, don't you? Want a Mini?

We’re doing a big contest over at Cooperative Press. Here’s the info. It’s tough to get attention when you don’t have a kazillion dollars for ads, so you do what you have to in order to gather up the social media eyeballs and “meet” new people who haven’t already heard of you.
I spent a lot of time over the holidays recovering from a particularly vicious cold + sinus infection combo that took away part of my hearing for the better part of 2 weeks, and while knitting (something I also haven’t been able to do much of given the CP workload lately) — knitting a new green copy of my pattern Jasper, in fact — this is what I dreamed up. Hope you’ll enter, and that you’ll help us spread the word about CP.
(If I’m going to work myself sick, I might as well know it’s getting results, eh? She said, grumpily, wishing for more coffee).
Let’s talk about happier things, ok?
One. That photo above. I was still extremely ill but we managed a pretty amazing photoshoot for my new book Sailor’s Valentine. I love Maine.
Two. See you at Vogue Knitting Live in NYC next week? We’re sharing a booth with our friends Cephalopod Yarns so please come say hi.
Three. Teaching AND a booth at Stitches West next month. BRAND NEW CLASS: Designer 101 bootcamp! And for the first time, Get Published sold out before Sweater Map…so, yay! That pleases me.
Four. Maize, aka the Sweater That Broke Multiple Tech Editors, is almost completely edited (and was reknitted in the process, too), which means the book it’s going to be in can finally proceed…I cannot tell you the size of the sigh of relief that’s going to come out of me then.
Basically, same stuff, different day, except with much more irritating deadlines this month, seeing how it’s a royalty-check month for CP authors AND I have to prep all the business taxes. Stuff that cannot be put to the side, in other words… hope you are all having a much more exciting new year! Here’s to 2013!

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  • Anne

    It definitely sucks to have all that to do and feel crappy doing it!! So many people ill with odd and various diseases: it is almost easier to find someone NOT ill. Keep busy, keep warm and spring Will come….sooner or later. Really. (Love the sweater…filed away in the 900 million items on my knitting to-do list)

    Reply to Anne

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