Posted in Knitting
August 7, 2007

Hours of amusement

Found here via the wonders of trackback:

And speaking of photos, while doing an interview yesterday, I found that a new cover for our upcoming book AlterNation has been uploaded at Amazon. Yay!

Is it wrong that I bought three new bookcases this weekend and already some of them have yarn inside? Really, Yarn Police, I just wanted to get them off the dining room table temporarily…

We are being inundated by insane amounts of rain today (not that I’m complaining — the garden really needs it), and massive thunderstorms with lightning flashing within what looks like inches from the house. I would like nothing better to stay home and knit, but have to go to the shop. It’s our interns’ last week, so rain or no, we’ve got stuff to do.

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  • Ann

    That is way so cool that the Harlot would garner publicity on not only the theater marquee, but the DOT’s Road Status Sign!! How Funny!!!

    Nothing at all wrong with bookcases. Mine are full to overflowing. So the kids can eat at the table (most of the time) heehee I’m saving those pics for blog fodder…

    Enjoy the TStorms! Here in the desert, what I wouldn’t give for a good ole’ fashioned Wisconsin thunderstorm! The smell of the rain – the cold gusts of wind ripping at the trees while you teeter on the brink of dashing under cover waiting for the torrent! The black clouds rolling…. ah….the memories….

  • Lain

    Hey, Shannon!
    I couldn’t find an email address for you, so I’m leaving a comment instead. I wanted to let you know that I am really enjoying your podcast. The guests have been really interesting! One technical comment — there is a big imbalance between the volume of your mike and your guest’s — if I set the volume at a comfortable level for your voice, I can barely hear your guest. Is there any way to use some kind of equalizer or something? It would make an already fun listening experience much more enjoyable!
    Keep up the great work.

    Reply to Lain
  • Post authorShannon

    Hey Lain & co!

    I think it’s not a microphone issue so much as a Theatre Grrl Voice issue! The way the podcasting setup I’m using works is this: I call in to a (phone) number, as does the guest, and it’s as if we’re on the phone together. I have a very big voice — want proof? According to the girl running sound for Knitty Gritty, I am the ONLY guest they’ve ever had to turn the microphone DOWN on! (Most women speak too quietly…not a problem here. If you’ve ever met me in person, you’ll know I speak the truth on this).

    I can always try to run them through some post-production, but that will only help if you download the file from me here on the site — the podcasting software also auto-uploads to iTunes.

    Eep! I’ll work on it!

    Reply to Shannon

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