January 3, 2009

Dissolve hat pattern for sale

What can I say? First Fetlock and now Dissolve, I’ve been going through all my I’ll-get-around-to-writing-it-up stuff and — well — writing them up!

I developed the Dissolve stranded colorwork hat pattern as a good introduction to colorwork (Fair Isle) knitting for people who don’t want to dive right in with a sweater or do something fiddly and small-gauge to start. It takes part of a skein of Noro Kureyon and part of a skein of Cascade 220, and it’s a great small project for using up leftovers while learning a new technique.

You can substitute with any other multicolor and solid yarn you like, the important point is that you have one of each. The crocheted bottom edge is optional. Ideally, your multicolor yarn will have the solid color in it somewhere, making them “dissolve” into each other (and hence the pattern name).

Give it your Ravelry-love here. I’ve got some new Noro + Cascade to make another one, I want to play with it a little more — maybe add a felting option, too. If you buy the pattern now and I do add a felted option later, you’ll receive it as an update.

Dissolve hat now available, $4!

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  • barbe

    super cute! wish I could knit in the round

    Reply to barbe
  • Post authorShannon

    C’mon, Barbe, give it a try!

    As I just told her in email: you don’t even have to do DPNs at all if you don’t want. Get yourself two shortish circular needles that are the same needle size (different lengths are ok, like a 12″ and a 16″), cast on to the smaller one, join the round, knit 2 rounds or so to get yourself going, and then knit half the stitches off to the second needle. Keep knitting.

    When you are knitting, you are ALWAYS using the two ends of the SAME circ to knit with — you drop both and pick up the other circ’s two needles and knit with them when you get halfway across.

    Beauty of this method:

    a. doesn’t matter what needle lengths you have, longer works just as well as shorter if you only have, say, 24″ circs or something

    b. you NEVER need to switch to DPNs, you can just keep going to the very end on the same needles.

    So go on! try it!

    Reply to Shannon

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