Posted in Knitting
February 3, 2009

(Content) revolution grrl style now!

I’m on a roll this week in terms of self-publishing, digital publishing and new models of promotion. First, let me introduce you to IndieBound. (click here to join)

IndieBound is an amazing website (seriously, how did I miss this until now?) that will let you do all the things Amazon does — wish list, affiliate linking, you name it… except it directs the person clicking to a nearby independent bookstore instead. I’m playing around with the various linky things at the moment, but to give you an idea, try clicking this. When you get to a page full of my books, click on any of the covers — it will prompt you for zipcode and forward you on appropriately. Cool.

Secondly, as some of you already know, I have my own publishing imprint. We did one book called Purls Forever by South West Trading Company’s owner Jonelle Raffino, and we have others on the way. I wrote a post yesterday on the website about digital publishing trends and how we are planning to work with them. Short version? We’re planning a new digital edition of Purls Forever and will also be releasing the forthcoming books in various digital formats, plus allowing indie bookstores and LYSs to sell them via an online affiliate program like the one we’re promoting at Stitch Cooperative for single patterns.

As I said in a recent email: I’m tired of waiting for the revolution, so I’m starting my own.

This economic slowdown is making a mess of things for the indies. I’m tired of hearing about venerable bookstores shutting down. I’m tired of seeing good books go wanting for a publisher who “gets” it. It’s time, my friends. In the words of Bikini Kill: revolution girl style now!

(or ‘grrl,’ since it is me we’re talking about)

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  • melissaknits

    You GO, grrl!! I am very intrigued by digital formats. And I think reinventing ourselves in the new economy will be essential to growth.

    Reply to melissaknits
  • Tara

    I’ve been thinking about a Kindle for a very long time (I need to save up!) but that’s exactly what I’ve wondered – what can I get on it? Can I read blogs? Or just some blogs? Can you read PDFs on it or just Kindle-ized patterns?

    Reply to Tara
  • Cathy

    Hi Shannon,

    I just tried the link to your books and entered my postal code. Only US stores (NH, Mass) showed up, nothing Canadian 🙁

    Reply to Cathy
  • mary lou

    Cool link. I try to buy at indie bookstores whenever possible. Lucky for me, we have several in the Twin Cities.

    Reply to mary lou

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