October 8, 2010

All of my favorite things!

Yarn + KAL + Nordic mythology? Yes please! Add them all together and you’ve got Anna Dalvi’s current Norns KAL — and her upcoming world heritage KAL. (Here’s more details on the autumn KAL).
The Norns KAL was full of amazing lace — Skuld, Verðandi and my personal favorite,
C’mon, admit. You can’t look at that photo of Urðr and not just lose your breath a little bit. You can buy the patterns individually now, too.
Anna is writing a book for Cooperative Press right now and it’s torturous keeping it a secret. I wish I could spill the beans about all our cool projects, but I can’t. Busy, busy. I flew back from Kansas last night (Felt School was amazing, as usual — Nikol is the greatest) and I’m really tired, but there’s just too much to do. No slacking allowed! I’m teaching again on Sunday at Magical Farms, The Silk Road Socks photoshoot is Thursday and then we leave for Rhinebeck in the middle of the night to maximize our time of awesomeness. October always kicks me straight in the behind, but I always get through it, don’t I?
Don’t I? [she asked, querulously with a slight tinge of sobbing in her voice]

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  • Mel

    Urðr is freaking georgeous and mighty terrifying!
    I’ll be interested to see her book!

  • Jennifer

    Yes you do, and you follow it up with a bang with knitting a sweater in a month in November!

    Reply to Jennifer
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