Posted in Knitting
July 29, 2009

My photoshoot helper = dachshund

Andi of KnitBrit and I teamed up with Mercedes from Kitchen Sink Dyeworks to make three of our patterns available in her booth at Sock Summit. (Booth #113! don’t miss it!)

Here is a sneak preview of the “Cultivated” variant of my new Morel sock, which is coming out in the Knitgrrl CSA: Farm Fresh Knits book later this year. Zoe is modeling, but Anezka the dachshund is helping…ha!

Also, if you need help deciding, I recommend voting for Mercedes’ Dye For Glory entries on Ravelry, and for Ceallach Dyes’ solar-dyed entries — great stuff!

My company is publishing Kelley (of Ceallach Dyes)’s solar dyeing book later this year, and I have to say, the lack of agitation inherent in solar dyeing makes for some supersoft yarn…no risk of felting in the dyepot no matter what the base fiber is!

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  • Deb

    Very nice pattern. Love the color.

  • honeybee33

    I’m so paranoid of screwing it up with felting that I haven’t been able to even *attempt* dyeing yet. But this “solar-dyeing” thing might be just the gateway I need! Looking forward to seeing the book!

    ~ hb33 ~

    Reply to honeybee33
  • petoskystone

    anezka reminds me of my late (&dearly missed) Dieter–he wasn’t upset over strangers in his house until their feet touched his floor, & then he would snap at the feet! the pattern is a lovely one. &am looking forward to the solar dyeing book!

    Reply to petoskystone

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