November 16, 2006

Spin to Knit swap deadline

Avast, yarn pirates! The Spin to Knit swap deadline is approaching fast! Join the hundreds of other spinners of all experience levels who’ve already signed up — grab a button for your website or blog (see here) — and you’re on your way.

With each skein you mail to your secret pal you should explain the process you used to make it. You can give some background on your spindle or wheel, how and when you learned to spin, dyes or other media you used, etc. As the website says, this exchange is about celebrating the wide, wonderful world of handspun yarn!

The website has been recently updated with skein size requirements for the various categories:

Beginner: at least 30 yds
Intermediate: at least 60 yds
Advanced: at least 90 yds

…but more is welcome, of course. We just didn’t want to overwhelm the newer spinners right off the bat.

Don’t forget: you are also invited to show off your handspun here on the blog. Send me a two-yard snip of each skein, which I will either knit or weave into a larger piece to show off at the end of the swap.

As I said previously, I love the idea of seeing everyone’s work side by side, joined together. It’s a physical representation of the kinds of connections these swaps create: hand by hand, we craft for each other and share both our love of spinning and skill.

Participants should identify their samples with their name and blog website address and mail them to me at PO Box 112312, Cleveland, OH 44111.

And speaking of weaving…look what the Loom Fairy dropped off yesterday!

(Try telling your boyfriend, with a straight face, that the Tooth Fairy’s cousin, the Loom Fairy, answered your prayers and just left a loom in the middle of the basement! POW, like that! I was only able to get to the point in which I explained that the Loom and the Tooth Fairy were cousins before I started laughing).

That’s not its final resting place, and it’s not opened up (it folds). But it’ll do for now. I have to teach in Kansas City this weekend, so no time to rip up the studio…

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  • Laura

    Oh, man. Why can’t the loom fairy come by *my* house! What a haul. What did you have to lose, though, to get the loom fairy to come by? I’m familiar with the premise the tooth fairy operates on…

    Reply to Laura

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