Y’all just had to rub it in, didn’t you?
Yours truly was doing a photo reshoot for an upcoming book which absolutely had to be done this past weekend, no exceptions. We worked from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. (four of us ’til 2:00, and three of us after), with nary a sheep in sight. It was tragic, I tell you. Tragic.
I’ll be there in 2007 if it kills me.
For photos of Rhinebeck past, see here.
As soon as the above-mentioned photos are edited and in the publisher’s hands, I’ll get cracking on writing up the rest of our book tour hijinks, but meanwhile a very sulky Shannon is living vicariously through your Flickr sets, my friends.
I am hoping to make it in 2007 too – we’ll see!
i was sad that i didn’t get to give you a big squeeze!
looking at flights from BTV to cleavage-land today.
you WERE missed!
I thought about you while I was at Rhinebeck. Could you feel the love? Next year you MUST attend. Swear on a raw fleece….