She is treated like a knitted sock…
There’s a new website called Never Marry A Woman With Big Feet (if that’s true, I am in trouble), collecting thousands of proverbs about women from around the world. I looked up the keyword ‘knit’ and got, from Armenia: “When a girl is married, she is treated like a knitted sock; they rip her up and knit her all over again.”
Another good one, from Estonia: “A kiss doesn’t spoil a girl, a knitting needle doesn’t spoil an old woman.” I have no idea what that’s supposed to mean, but there you go. (A new set of Addi interchangeables would certainly spoil me).
If you never marry a woman with big feet, do you marry a woman with a big foot? ‘Cause I’ve got one big foot and one small foot…
That sock quote is a little scary.